Issue: 3, 12/31/21

Year: 2021
Avrupa ve Bölge Çalışmaları
Uluslararası Göç, Uluslararası Hukuk
Uluslararası İlişkiler

Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies aims to include different dimensions of current debates in international relations in each issue. The journal aims to approach current developments in international relations from a scientific and critical perspective and to offer a universal perspective. In this context, TUİÇ Academy Journal has adopted the principle of collaborating with national and multinational institutions, organizations, foundations, and reinforcing the knowledge of academics in the field with the contributions of non-governmental organizations and bureaucrats.

Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies aims to bring together the works of graduate students, young researchers and academicians under the same roof. In this respect, the journal also undertakes a mission of continuing education.

Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies includes original researches and book reviews on international relations, international politics, international political economy, international law, global energy, international migration, international security.

An abstract article not exceeding 250 words should be written at the beginning of the articles and Key Words consisting of 5 words should be added. If the article is written in Turkish, the Turkish abstract and keywords should also be prepared in English; If the article is written in English, the Turkish abstract and keywords should be added to the article in addition to the English version.

References should be made in the text based on the APA method. Explanatory notes should be expressed as footnotes at the bottom of the page and in 10 points. A few examples of citations using the APA method are given below. In addition, this method in detail can be found at Citations should be given before the punctuation mark.

For editorial integrity, articles should be written in 12-point Times New Roman, justified, with 1.5 line spacing, using APA reference method. A guide to this method will also be sent to the authors. The margins should be adjusted to be 2.5 cm in all directions during the draft phase.

Heading Usage within Sections:

Level Main Titles: Basic titles should be bold, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (excluding conjunctions) and numbered with capital Roman numerals (I, II, III …). Main headings should start immediately at the beginning of the line without any spaces.

Level Headings: Level 2 headings should be bold, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (except for conjunctions), numbered with capital letters (A, B, C, …) and a tab should start inside.

Level Headings: Level 3 headings should be bold, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (except for conjunctions), numbered with numbers (1,2,3, …) and should start with two tabs inside.

Level Headings: Level 4 headings should be bold, italicized, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (excluding conjunctions), numbered with lowercase letters (a,b,c, …) and should start with two tabs inside. The text should be written on the same line by placing a colon immediately after the title.

Level Headings: Level 5 headings should be bold, italicized, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (excluding conjunctions), numbered with double lowercase letters (aa, bb, cc, …) and start with two tabs inside. The text should be written on the same line by placing a colon immediately after the title.

Citation in single-authored publications: (Marin, 2016: 8- 9).

Citation in publications with two authors: (Idemudia and Boehnke, 2020: 34- 41).

Citation in publications with three or more authors: (Kirişçi et al., 2020: 16).

Reference to more than one source: (Refugees Association, 2020; Arslantürk and Tunç, 2018: 163- 165).

Citation for the full source: (Erdogan, 2020).

Citation for sources without author's name: (Migration Administration, 2020).
The method used in citing an article or a book can be followed for citing studies with specific authors from websites. If there is no date in the internet resources, the access date should be used as the year of the resource. If the name of the person who prepared the study is not specified on the internet site, reference is made by giving the institution of the website and the year of access.

Citation with the name of the author and publication year: (Vanstreels, 2016).

Citation with unknown author name and publication year: (Migration Administration, 2020).
If more than one work of an author or institution published in the same year is cited, the works should be indicated by giving letters a, b, c, next to the year. (European Commission, 2016 b), (European Commission, 2016 c).

The bibliography should include all the references cited in the text. Journal and book titles should be italicized. The bibliography should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author. If more than one work by an author is cited, the author's works should be listed chronologically from the most recent to the oldest. Page numbers should be specified for articles in periodicals and review/edited books.

Erdogan, M. Murat (2020). Syrians Barometer 2019 A Framework For Achieving Social Cohesion With Syrians In Turkey. Ankara: Orion Bookstore.

Edited Books
Tezcan, Ercüment (2014). “European Parliament”, Akçay, Belgin; Immigrant, Principle (Ed.). European Union, Ankara: Seçkin Publications, 117-142.

Rygiel, Kim; Your father, Fevzi; Ilcan, Susan (2016). “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: The EU-Turkey ‘Deal’ and Temporary Protection”. Global Social Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of Public Policy And Social Development, 16 (3), 315-320.

Internet Resources
Amnesty International (2014). “Struggling to Survive Refugees from Syria in Turkey”, (Accessed 20.10.2020).

Arsu, Sebnem (2011). “Turkish Premier Urges Assad to Quit In Syria”, (Accessed 30.11. 2020). (Author's name is known)

BBC News (2012). “Guide: Syria Crisis”, (Accessed 30.11.2020). (Author name unknown)

OneDay (2019). “Erdogan: The Money We Spend for Refugees Has Exceeded 40 Billion Dollars”, (Accessed 30.11 .2020).

UNHCR (2017). “Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2016”, (Accessed 30.11.2020).

Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies is a peer-reviewed journal aiming at the highest ethical and academic standards. Within the framework of the Publication Policy, the journal guarantees that every submitted work is evaluated with objective criteria. After the editorial board’s evaluation, all studies are submitted to at least two blind peer-reviewed evaluation processes.

The Editorial Board of the Journal ensures the confidentiality of all submitted works until the printing stage. Information about the studies is not shared with third parties other than their authors and the Journal does not use the studies for other purposes..

The journal is obliged to ensure that the submitted studies are evaluated objectively. This obligation means that the studies submitted to the journal will be evaluated regardless of the author (s) ‘race, religion, nationality, gender, political opinion, seniority or institutional affiliations.

Studies that are applied to more than one journal at the same time and those that violate legal and academic criteria such as copyright and plagiarism are not evaluated. Regardless of the stage of the article evaluation process, the evaluation process is stopped immediately and the study is returned to the author.

Journal referees should return the articles they have a conflict of interest without evaluating. Reviewers should be objective in their criticism, evaluation should be based only on the study, and any personal comments to the author should be avoided.

Authors are expected to apply to the journal with original works. Authors should reference the sources they use in their studies in accordance with academic criteria. If a similarity of more than 15% is detected in the applied studies, it is returned to the authors of the study.

All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation, interview techniques, and retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data are within the scope of studies that require ethics committee approval.

Rejected studies can be revised in line with the referee evaluations and re-submitted to the journal. Studies that are found to be disregarding the referee evaluations are returned to their authors. Studies with the necessary arrangements erode into the evaluation process like new applications.

TUIC Academy Journal has adopted impartial publishing as a basic principle. The journal expects the same approach from authors. The opinions in the published articles do not reflect the official opinion of the journal or the International Relations Studies Association. All responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.

Authors who submit a study to the journal are deemed to have accepted the ethical principles of the journal. The rights of all studies published in the TUIC Academy Journal are reserved, cannot be used without reference to the journal’s name.

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